Biomedical Ethics Moral Argument Essay #1 Introduction Medical practitioners should ensure that services rendered to patients are in accordance with the principles of biomedical ethics. In the case of Mr. S, the principles of beneficence and autonomy should help the attending physician to act according to the patient’s request. In particular, autonomy through effective deliberation and authenticity, the medical practitioner’s primary duty and the expected short and long-term beneficence should inform the doctor’s decision. Position I sanction the prescription of the Viagra drug to Mr. S, but then closely analyze his health condition. A comprehensive review of Mr. S.’s case, …
Category: News
History and Physical
Medhat Nan History Identifying data: Patient name: Mrs. MK Address: Queens, NY Location: Jamaica hospital, Queens, NY Age, Race & Religion : 31 y/o WF, Catholic Date: September 09,2018; Time: 3:30 PM Data source: patient Referral source: self Chief Complaint: chest pain x 3 days History of Present illness: Mrs. MK is a reliable 31 y/o married, non smoker Egyptian female with no significant PMHx presents to the ED c/o chest pain for the last 3 days. She states that the pain started suddenly in the upper left side of her chest and doesn’t spread. She describes it as sharp …
Creating, building, and designing my E-Portfolio on CUNY blackboard and CUNY Academic Common’s platforms was challenging experience for me. Partly because I’m not so good with computers, and because the difficulties I had in the navigation systems on both platforms. It was easier for me to create my E-Portfolio on the CUNY blackboard platform, because its navigation system is straightforward and easy to use. The editing page of the CUNY blackboard platform contains icons that directed me on how to add, edit, or remove things. I uploaded and published my artifacts (Case Notes and Multimedia) quickly on the blackboard platform. …
Septic Shock Media Image
Case-Septic Shock
Case study Ms. P is a 75-year-old woman with weakness and hypotension. Ms. P has a past medical history of coronary artery disease (CAD), hypertension and diabetes. She complains of weakness, anorexia, nausea and vomiting. Her initial vitals signs demonstrate a pulse of 110 bpm and BP of 85/55 mm Hg. She is having difficulty staying awake during the interview. Ms. P has vomited once this morning, but she ate and drank fluids normally the day before. She denies diarrhea, melena, or bright red blood per rectum. She denies any chest pain or pressure. She admits to urinary frequency over the …